Party platforms evolve, party ideals even flip-flop, but for over 100 years, the Democrats have been represented by a donkey and Republicans have been represented by an elephant. Interestingly enough, the Democrats have never officially declared the donkey their symbol (Republicans, on the other hand, have fully embraced the elephant and adopted it as their […]
The Birth Of The Republican Party
Political parties and ideals evolve throughout time. While so many follow the ideals of or align themselves with a particular party today, many of us don’t think about what the party used to be, or where its principles originated. The Republican Party rose out of a time of great turmoil and conflict in this country. […]
History of the Republican Party
The Republican Party was the result of a movement against the Kansas Nebraska Act, which extended slavery further across the United States. The first meeting against this Act, and where the term ‘Republican’ was suggested as the name for the new party, was conducted in Ripon, Wisconsin, on March 20, 1854. From thereon in, the […]